Chacaruna Reborn

Hello! Welcome to the official relaunch of my Chacaruna website. In this blog, I’ll be discussing the transformation of this website from the Wix to WordPress blog platform and I’ll also be letting you know about the new content which will be appearing on the site in the next few weeks.

Welcome back!

To those of you who are loyal enough to stop by my site once in a while, I can only apologise for the lack of content in the past few months. I do, however, have a pretty good excuse. I have been working on a new book, inspired by this very website, all about the Munay-Ki.

Journeying Through The Munay-Ki

For those of you who do not know, the Munay-Ki are nine beautiful initiation rites, which echo those performed by the indigenous paqos and shamans of the Incan tradition. My book is, primarily, a guide for shamans who wish to teach students the rites but it also provides a comprehensive guide to another love of mine – shamanic journeying.

I’m pleased to say that the book is now available from Amazon and Blurb. If you’d like to know a bit more and take a sneak peek inside, please have a look at my Book Launch blog.


From Wix to WordPress

To celebrate the book launch (and my freedom from writing it), my partner, Daniel, has been busily transferring my website to a new blog platform – WordPress. I really enjoyed my years with Wix and I still think that they provide an exceptional jumping off point for anyone who, like me, knows nothing about coding but who wishes to simply and quickly set up a website. Having a partner as skilled as Daniel, however, means that I can rely on his expertise, which allows me to rise to the challenge of a more flexible, customizable platform like WordPress.

I do think that this new site looks beautiful and I hope that you agree. It should also be easier to find your way around the site and  there is a much improved search engine on this platform, if you are looking for something specific.

Of course, there would be no point to all of Daniel’s hard work if I was not going to knuckle down and produce some content for you all to read, so I promise that there are a lot of fresh articles in the pipeline.

Shamanism For Newbies

I’m going to continue with my series on Shamanism for Newbies, with regular posts every other Friday. Topics already written up and appearing in the next few weeks include Animal Spirits, Upper World Guardians, the Q’ero and Neoshamanism.

When I feel that I’ve exhausted the topics for Newbies, I’ll begin my Advanced series and I am looking forward to going into more depth, particularly with regard to shamanic journeying and the Munay-Ki.

Audible Reviews

I remain a passionate advocate for Audible, not least for its ability to turn anyone’s spare time travelling to work into something more productive than just zoning out to the latest pop tune. I even enjoy learning something new whilst working out at the gym. I’d also become quite frustrated that books that I really wanted to read were piling up and yet I could not seem to find the time to read them – Audible has helped substantially reduce my stockpile.

Consequently, I’m also going to continue with my series of Audible reviews, with regular posts every other Friday – the alternate Friday to Shamanism for Newbies – so that, I can guarantee that, at the bare minimum there will be some kind of new blog on this site every week for the next few months. However, I’m going to abandon the way I used to divide up the Audible content and I’m just going to concentrate on analysing one favourite book per blog.

Other Content

In addition, there will be occasional blogs posted of film, stage and television reviews, as well as other forays into shamanic content. Over a year on, I promise I will finally get some blogs posted about my extraordinary trip to Egypt in 2017!

I’m also planning some audible content (linking in with the journeys in my book) and some YouTube films during the course of the year, so watch this space, or, even better, click to subscribe to our newsletter, so that you can keep yourself fully updated on all the new content.

Thank you!

Thank you for your patience over the past few months whilst the blogs were scarce and I really hope that you like the new website and the forthcoming posts. Please do let me know by email, what you think and if there are any topics you would like me to cover!

For now, with love,
