My Mysterious Photographs

I will continue to update this blog post, whenever I come across a new mysterious photograph in my collection – so, please bear in mind, that some of the photographs below might already be familiar, if you’re a regular visitor to this site…

1. Hampton Court Palace Ghost

The above (unfortunately, blurry-faced!) photograph was taken by me of my partner, Dan, in a wine cellar at Hampton Court Palace on Saturday 2nd September 2017.

We both felt that there was something a bit odd about this place and particularly the roped-off corridor. There was a definite sensation of ‘being watched’ and of someone else being present but, as far as we could see, we were alone in the room. The Palace, however, is well known for ghostly sightings (check out this link – Hampton Court Palace ghost stories), including two wives of Henry VIII and the ‘Grey Lady’, so I took a photograph and wondered if we might see anything unusual in it.

In the original photograph, however, the corridor just looked black (as you can see above) but Dan then had a go at trying some filters on it.

Can you spot what we saw in the new ‘filtered’ version of the original photograph?

It looked to us like a face had begun to appear in the left hand corner of the dark corridor. There’s even the suggestion of an outstretched sword, just below the face.

It’s as if this person is looking up towards Dan and brandishing his sword at him – saying ‘keep away’!

Here’s a close-up…

Of course, it is possible that this is just an example of ‘pareidolia’, the psychological phenomenon whereby one sees faces in random data but it is still rather spooky, especially considering we both felt a ‘presence’ of some kind in this particular spot.

2. Lake Titicaca UFO

This next photograph was taken on my first trip to Peru in 2015. Even before I spotted something unusual, it was already one of my favourite photographs from the trip. It was taken at Llacastiti, near the Temple of the Mother (Pachamama) on Amantani Island, Lake Titicaca. The original photograph (shown above) depicts Don Chino, a shaman of my lineage (the Q’uero Incan tradition), meditating on a rock formation. I think it has a lovely sense of peace and contentment about it.

What intrigued me, though, was a grey speck in front of Chino’s forehead. I do not remember there being any aircraft and it does not look like an aircraft or an insect. It could be dirt or a smear on the lens but it does not look like that either and none of the other photographs, taken in quick succession, exhibit the same anomaly. I blew up the image to take a closer look (below) and was still intrigued…

The interesting thing is that this area is well known for UFO’s. One of our guides in Peru, Jorge Luis Delgado, has himself seen lights in the sky just below this spot.

Lake Titicaca is also renowned as the resting place for the great solar disc of the Incas and there are a multitude of videos online of strange underwater anomalies and of UFO sightings in the local area. I make no claims at all as to its veracity. Perhaps it is simply a manifestation of Chino dreaming a new world into being?

3. Glastonbury Orb

This photograph is from a night visit to Glastonbury Tor on a Munay-Ki training course in 2015. The field which leads up to the Tor is linked with Gwynn ap Nudd, Lord of the Otherworld and later King of the Fairies in Celtic mythology. I wasn’t sure I believed in fairies, despite having spent a considerable amount of time in Cornwall, where one feels closer to such natural sprites. Yet I felt that curious sensation of being watched and not just by a single entity but by many.

On the way back down the Tor, I snapped a photograph with my flash into the pitch blackness and I was surprised to see that the photograph showed a number of ‘light anomalies’ (see for yourself below).

There’s the classic ‘orb’ below centre, which the team on ‘Most Haunted’ always get so excited about when they spot. There are also two ascending teardrops of light to the right, as well as numerous pinpricks of light in the grass. Again, I make no claims for having captured fairies larking about, I simply find the photograph intriguing.

4. Glastonbury Fairy

From the same mysterious field as the previous photograph, from just below Glastonbury Tor, I took this photograph of a fairy in flight – you can see its orange, glowing wings and its darker body in-between them.

This photograph was taken in complete darkness (with a flash) and there were no obvious sources of light or reflective material, either close up, or off in the distance. It was taken on a late night walk up the Tor on the Spirit of the Inca’s ‘Mythic course’ (see my previous post, via this link – ‘Glastonbury Munay-Ki‘) in March 2015.

I don’t know what it is but I love it!