Summer Solstice Retreat Algarve: 16th June – 23rd June 2016

As I have previously mentioned in posts on this site, I have been planning a Munay-Ki retreat in the Algarve for some time now and, thus, it is with great pleasure that I can finally announce the details for this wonderful adventure – I really hope that you can join me!

Our time will be spent together sharing many heart-centered practices, such as mindfulness meditations, visualizations, nature walks, swimming, sacred sound, sweat lodges, sharing circles and of course the sharing of the ancient healing rites, known as the Munay-Ki (please do also have a look at my previous posts on this site – ‘The Munay-Ki’ and ‘Munay-Ki Glastonbury’ – for more specific information on the rites).

This retreat will include healthy, vegetarian food and there will also be
 plenty of time for you to rest and 
allow these ancient rites to ‘settle’ within you. I wouldn’t want to take you to such a beautiful part of the world and not expect you to fully enjoy it!

This retreat will create beautiful ripples throughout your life and the effects will be long lasting. It will be a precious gift you can offer, not only to yourself but to the loved ones in your life too.

The Munay-Ki

Previously, only available to medicine men and women, the Munay-Ki are an ancient set of rites, which strengthen our connection to nature, heal the masculine and feminine energies within us and bring us into balance and harmony with our world.

As well as receiving these rites, my aim will be to teach you, so that you are able to gift them on to others.

The venue – Monte Mariposa

Monte Mariposa

There is something very magical about this retreat centre, which is hidden in a beautiful valley in the sunny Algarve. Though only 30 minutes from Faro airport, it really does feel like another world.

There are plenty of communal areas, where you can relax and chat with each other. There is free wifi available in the communal lounge. I anticipate the group will be between 8 – 16 people.

Each room within the centre has 2 – 3 beds but it will be possible for you to have your own room for a £75 supplement, if you prefer. Each room has it’s own designated bathroom (some are just outside of the rooms).

For more specific information, take a look at the venue’s own website at


Dan Waller

Dan Waller

In a varied career, I’ve been an actor, a drama teacher and a police detective. A perpetual student, I hold 6 degrees, including a BSc (Hons) in Psychology. In addition, I have taken courses in hypnotherapy and NLP with Bandler & McKenna, in shamanism with ‘The Sacred Trust’ and ‘The Way of the Inca’. I aim to write candidly about my healing journey on this website.

Susan Earl
Help me to relax .com

Susan Earl

My fellow course leader on the retreat is Susan Earl. Susan and I have been close friends for more than 20 years. Susan has been leading retreats, meditation classes and workshops for many years. You may also recognise Susan as an actor, as she has appeared as lots of funny characters in various TV shows. Susan has also trained in mindfulness meditation, reflexology, reiki, nine star astrology and various shamanic healing techniques.

Claire Kedward

Claire Kedward

I am delighted to announce that Claire Kedward will be joining us to assist in the teaching of the Munay-Ki. Claire and I met on the Spirit of the Inca’s ‘Medicine Wheel’ course and we served as each other’s personal shaman in the final phase of our training. Having previously worked as an IT Project Manager, Claire now runs the Chiron Centre for Natural Health, in Bristol, with her business partner. Having worked as a Kinesiologist for over 10 years, Claire has recently trained as a shaman, enabling her to work even deeper with her clients’ issues.

The Chiron Centre for natural health



The price is £595 (there will be a special early bird offer for those booking in February – watch this space!). Flights are excluded but many low cost airlines fly to Faro and we’ll let you know our flight recommendations.

There is a single room supplement of £75.

The price includes:

  • Teaching and classes
  • Accommodation for 7 nights
  • All food (vegetarian) provided within the centre
  • Journey to and from the airport (if you arrive on our recommended flights)
  • Two beach trips

What the venue provide:

  • Healthy vegetarian meals
  • Books to borrow
  • Towels for baths & showers
  • Filtered water
  • Cushions for meditation

The price excludes:

  • Return flights to Faro (which you must book yourself)
  • Transfers to & from the centre (if not arriving on our recommended flights)

What exactly is ‘a retreat’?

A retreat is a wonderful way to feel taken care of and to take time out to gain a fresh perspective on your life. You’ll not only have an extremely restful and nurturing time but you’ll also learn some fabulous meditation techniques to help bring the retreat home with you.


You’ll also have the opportunity to mix with like-minded souls and to develop new connections. With all the retreats and groups we run, once you are part of the family you’ll always have the opportunity to stay connected. A retreat can be a pretty life changing experience, so it’s always great to be able to stay connected and to feel supported by the friends you make on the retreat.

In addition, of course, this particular retreat is about the gifting of the ancient healing rites, known as the Munay-Ki. For many, these are a life-changing experience to receive but our aim on this course is to enable you to also be able to gift these precious rites to others. So, if you hear the call, please join us!

To find out more information, or to book a place, please email me at