Tag: glastonbury

  • My Mysterious Photographs

    I will continue to update this blog post, whenever I come across a new mysterious photograph in my collection – so, please bear in mind, that some of the photographs below might already be familiar, if you’re a regular visitor to this site…

  • Beautiful

    After all the healing shamanic work I had done and after my wonderful visit to Peru in May 2015, I thought that I was much happier ‘in myself’ but, last November, as I approached my 42nd birthday, I faced the painful realisation that I had let the exercise and the healthy eating slide – I…

  • Icelandic Revelations

    As I recorded in my post on the Glastonbury Munay-Ki, I felt a surprisingly strong ‘call’ that I should visit Iceland.

  • Munay-Ki Glastonbury 2015

    Munay-Ki Glastonbury 2015

    In September, 2015, I attended the Spirit of the Inca’s training course in the Munay-Ki at Glastonbury. I had received the Munay-Ki rites during the Spirit of the Inca’s ‘Medicine Wheel’ course and, again, whilst in Peru but the Glastonbury course was to teach me more about the initiations, as well as the processes by…