Tag: journey

  • Embrace of The Serpent

    ‘Embrace of the Serpent’ is a film about the Amazonian shaman, Karamkate, who travels the river, forty years apart, with two separate German ethnologists, searching for the mysterious and psychedelic Yakruna plant.

  • Ayahuasca

    It is a common misconception that shamans around the world make use of mind-altering substances to ‘journey’ (see my previous post, ‘How to journey’). Whilst some do, it’s worth noting that the majority do not. Entering an altered state is perfectly possible to achieve through setting your intention and visualising. And what is the best…

  • Once a conquistador

    I do not know if past lives exist and I do not seek, in this article, to persuade you that they do, I merely seek to tell you about a recent ‘connection’ I experienced with another soul. I can offer you no name or concrete evidence of this particular soul ever having existed, so you…

  • Beautiful

    After all the healing shamanic work I had done and after my wonderful visit to Peru in May 2015, I thought that I was much happier ‘in myself’ but, last November, as I approached my 42nd birthday, I faced the painful realisation that I had let the exercise and the healthy eating slide – I…