In this week’s blog post, I will be taking a further look at the Three Worlds – what they are and how you can explore them. In the last blog in this series, I focussed on the Middle World (aka ‘ordinary reality’), the place of our everyday existence. This week, I will take a closer look at the Lower World and the Upper World.
The Lower World
What is the Lower World?
The Lower World, or Ukhu Pacha, is, according to the Q’ero, the source of Hucha (heavy) energy. It is associated with our interior world, the unconscious and with dreams.
How do I get to the Lower World?
We may travel down to the Lower World via a doorway at the base of our anchor point, our special tree – just like Alice, following the White Rabbit underground in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. We then descend passed our tree’s roots, down through the ground, down through a cleansing lake and into the Lower World, which is usually perceived as a jungle, or a forest.
Are there entities connected with this World?
The Lower World’s Archetype is the Serpent and its Keeper is the Bear, Huascar (see my forthcoming blog, Archetypes for Newbies, for more information on Serpent and Huascar).
You will also find numerous Animal Spirits (see my previous blog, Animal Spirits For Newbies), whom you can request a healing from, or ask a question of, by setting your intention before you journey.
Where can we go in the Lower World?
Your guide here will be an Animal Spirit, although you may also call upon Serpent, or visit with Huascar. Primarily, you can explore the local environment, although you will undoubtedly discover different levels below the one upon which you first enter.
Is the Lower World ‘Hell’?
No. This is a relic of the dark times when the Church was so fearful of Shamanism that it built churches on top of shamanic temples, destroyed ritual shamanic objects and labelled sacred places, whose energies they felt but did not understand, as being ‘of the Devil’. The Church even warned that journeying below would be into a realm of Hell-fire and the demonic, rather than the Eden most often experienced by those who journey.
By prohibiting the Lower World, the Church wanted to assert the idea that communing with enlightened spirits could only be through the Church and its priests, not as simple as merely closing our eyes and journeying.

The Upper World
What is the Upper World?
The Upper World, or Hanaq Pacha, is, according to the Q’ero, the source of Sami (light) energy. It is associated with the superconscious and with visions and prophecies.
How do I get to the Upper World?
We may travel up to the Upper World from the Middle World via a number of routes, such as via a staircase, or a tornado – like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. A tornado whisks us up above the branches of our tree, up into the sky, through cleansing clouds and into the Upper World.
The Upper World is usually perceived as a crystal city of light – any landscape or cityscape that beams with white, bright light.
Are there entities connected with this World?
The Upper World’s archetype is Condor Eagle and its Keeper is the angelic Pachacuti (see my forthcoming blog, Archetypes for Newbies, for more information on Condor Eagle and Pachacuti).
You will also find numerous Upper World Guardians (see my previous blog, Upper World Guardians For Newbies) and cetaceans, whom you can request a healing from, or ask a question of, by setting your intention before you journey.
Where can we go in the Upper World?
Our guide here will be an Upper World Guardian, although we may also call upon a cetacean, Eagle Condor, or Pachacuti. Primarily, you can explore the local environment, which usually includes a crystal citadel of some description and a beautiful ocean of cetaceans.
As you become more familiar with the Upper World, you will undoubtedly discover different levels above the one upon which you first enter.
Is the Upper World ‘Heaven’?
Of sorts, in that it bears a resemblance. It is a place of enlightened beings and it is a place that some believe we inhabit when we die (or leave ordinary reality).
The Church could not stamp out the brightness of the Upper World’s Sami energy in the same way that they could prohibit the darkness of the Lower World, so they simply usurped the Upper World as their own ‘divine’ realm and called it Heaven.
Early humans visiting the Upper World explains the appearance of angels in religious and mythological texts. The Bible even describes one method to journey there, in its story of Jacob’s Ladder (Genesis 28:10-19).
Journeying to the Upper World in half-waking moments might also explain the modern phenomenon of alien abduction.